Business and Industry

Interaction Center VoIP Professional Bootcamp

I’ve recently returned from Toronto, Ontario where I was on a training course provided by Interactive Intelligence. Interactive Intelligence provides Voice over IP (VoIP) solutions for businesses of all sizes. This particular course was titled Interaction Center VoIP Professional Bootcamp. A bootcamp it was. The course ran from 8:30 am until 10 pm and consisted [...]

Another Transition Story: From Public to Private Industry

As a follow-up to yesterday’s article where I talked about transitioning from eDirectory to Active Directory, today’s artcile is about adjusting to the new style of organization I work for. As you probably know already, I recently left my position with a government organization to re-join the ranks of the private sector. In a previous [...]

Another Video on

I love the videos on They make me laugh so I thought I would share the latest one with you. Enjoy

I need a new challenge

For those of you who know me, you know that I am not one to put up with bullshit or red tape for very long. You would also know that I am the kind of person who is always testing out new things and that I have a constant thirst for knowledge. For the past [...]

Market research, business plan, and other stuff I’ve been working on

I’ve been plugging away at my business plan over the past few days and have made some decent progress. I’ve been trying to write it as professionally as possible so it’s taking a some extra time to make sure I have all the wording all nice and pretty. The worst part about the whole thing [...]

Some advice for new IT graduates

I wanted to throw out some advice that I wish someone would have given me what I first entered the IT universe. If you happen to be one of those people who loves new and exciting things, you might just want to stay away from the big corporations and government organizations. On the other hand, [...]

Business Update – I Haven’t Given Up

I haven’t given up on my business dream yet. I’ve put my business plan on hold for a few days while I read a book called The E Myth by Michael Gerber. This book was recommended to me by Mike Muise and is apparently one of the “must reads” for anyone interested in starting a [...]

eBay – The Glory Days

I’ve recently started listing items on eBay again and it got me thinking about the changes I’ve seen in the past 10 years. When I first signed up on eBay, a little over 10 years ago, you didn’t need a credit card and there was no such thing as “Buy it now”. eBay was still [...]

I’m going to create a business plan

Thanks to Nodatilu (who commend on a previous post) I’ve decided that I am going to try creating a business plan for my computer shop business idea. I never really thought of using that as a gauge to see how sound this business really is. I must also thank Mike Muise (who happens to be [...]

Is running my own business just a pipe dream?

The more I think of it the more I realize that I was never really meant to work for other people. I believe that my true calling is running my own business. Over the years I’ve dabbled in business off and on but haven’t really had the resources to make a true go of it. [...]