Archive for September, 2008 Launches an Interesting Marketing Campaign
A reader who stumbled upon my blog article about cloud computing sent me a link to a site called NoHardware ( It appears to be an ad campaign for which is a supplier of a sort of “cloud computing” server solution. What is neat about NoHardware is that it’s a video campaign akin to [...]
eComStation 2.0 RC4 Promotional Video
So I was bored the other night and decided to get my copy of eComStation RC4 up and running and make a short screencast. I also added some music to make the viewing a little more pleasant. The list time I created a video of eComStation it ended up on the official eComStation website. I’ll [...]
New Canadian Political Blog on
The recent announcement of Federal Elections to be held on October 14 has prompted me to start blogging about the political shenanegans of our fine nation so I’ve created a blog located at This way I am able to keep the political ranting off of this site which is still intended to be my [...]
Why cloud computing may not be the next platform
With the all the hype and buzz surround the “cloud computing” concept one would think that it’s all but a given that’s the way things will go. I, for one, don’t really agree. There’s nothing I hate more than people saying that the operating system is going away and will be replaced with a web [...]
I need a new challenge
For those of you who know me, you know that I am not one to put up with bullshit or red tape for very long. You would also know that I am the kind of person who is always testing out new things and that I have a constant thirst for knowledge. For the past [...]